The book of Acts of the Apostles is also called (Book of Acts) in short. This book is actually the second historical book written by Luke. Or rather, the book of Acts is actually the second part of the Gospel of Luke. This book is written about the works of the disciples of Jesus Christ and especia…
This series is based on the Gospel of John and prepared from the book "John for Everyone" published by N.T. Wright. In the translation and production of content in Dari and Pashto, the cultural and traditional aspects of Afghanistan have been taken into account. It should be noted that local exampl…
20 January 2025
In this programme, you heard important information about Paul’s missionary journeys in the cities of Miletus, Tyre, and Caesarea until Paul and his companions reached Jerusalem. During the journey to Jerusalem, some people kept asking Paul to refrain from going to Jerusalem, but Paul’s friends did …
29 minutes
8 January 2025
In this programme, you heard about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The first mention of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is related to John the Baptist. In one of his sermons, he said: "I baptise you with water, and this baptism is a sign of your repentance, but he who comes afte…
30 minutes
In this programme, you heard about the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul in the city of Corinth, Greece, and Paul's return to Antioch, which is instructive for all of us. Also, in this programme, you heard about how the Apostle Paul was tried in the city of Corinth and the activities of Aquil…
11 December 2024
The believers in Berea brought Paul, who was being persecuted by the Jews of Thessalonica, by sea to Athens. Paul did not intend to stay in Athens for long. He waited for Silas and Timothy, and at the same time he was in Athens, discussing with the people about Jesus Christ, until he was summoned t…
27 November 2024
The missionary journeys of Paul and other disciples of Jesus Christ, carried out with the passion and power of the Spirit of God, led to the spread of Christianity and the knowledge of the truth. In this programme, we will meet another disciple of Christ, Timothy, and hear how Paul and Silas were i…
19 November 2024
In this programme, we hear important points about the Law of Moses and salvation from sin through Jesus Christ. There is only one way to salvation, and that is to believe in Jesus Christ. There is no other way to salvation. The Jews, especially the Pharisees, thought that if they perfectly obeyed t…
In this programme, you learned important things about the activities of the Spirit of God that were carried out through Paul and Barnabas, the apostles of Jesus Christ, in the cities of Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe in the years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Jews called the non-Jewish na…
11 November 2024
In this programme, you heard that the Jews in the synagogues of Antioch did not listen to the message of the apostle Paul, but the Gentiles rejoiced to hear it. Despite all this opposition, the word of God spread throughout the region of Antioch and other parts of the world, and groups of people be…
When Peter and the other apostles began to accept the Gentiles as brothers and sisters in Christ, the Jews living in Jerusalem and Judea rose up against them. Herod, who was trying to maintain peace and stability, looked for a way to calm the Jews. He found that the best way to please the Jews was …
4 November 2024
After Cornelius and his friends were baptised, Peter stayed in Caesarea for a few more days. In this way, God did a great work among the Gentiles, and slowly, slowly, the good news of Christ's salvation was made available to all the people of the world, both Jews and Gentiles. Peter and his compani…
1 November 2024
You heard the meeting between Peter and Cornelius. Peter was a Jew and Cornelius was a Gentile. Before the two met, it was necessary for Peter to see a vision from God so that he would know that in God's eyes both Jew and Gentile are clean. As Jesus Christ said: There is nothing that can enter a pe…
24 October 2024
Saul's faith is a surprising thing. How can such a stubborn enemy, so quickly, become one of the apostles of Christ? How can we explain this? The explanation for this is that Jesus Christ met him alive and glorified. His faith is proof that Jesus Christ really rose from the dead and is still alive …
20 September 2024
The bodies of those crucified on the cross. Breaking the legs of the crucified! Throw a spear at Jesus' side and get water and blood out. John as a first-hand witness!
31 minutes
Jesus Christ is on the cross. Among other women, the mother of Jesus Christ stands at the foot of the cross. Jesus' beloved disciple also stands at the foot of the cross. Finally, the loan was disbursed and the job was done.
To take Jesus for crucifixion! Writing a notice in three important languages of that time! The suffering king! Draw on the garment of Jesus. Prophecy completed. Ruler and saviour of the world!
23 minutes
Who to follow Pilate, the High Priest or Jesus Christ? Who is the real King Caesar or Jesus Christ? What does God's Word teach us about obeying authorities?
26 minutes
Who is the Perfect Man? Was Jesus a perfect man? Was the Emperor the True King or Jesus Christ? The king must be an example of the true God or the shadow of God on earth. Jesus Christ was the symbol of God or the perfect image of God and the true King of God on earth.
5 September 2024
The most violent persecutor of Christians was a Jew named Solus, who later became the apostle Paul. Sollus had heard Stephen's defence before the council, and after hearing his content, he realised that this new religion was irreconcilably against many Jewish customs. Soles saw that if this new rel…
31 August 2024
Stephen was a man full of God's spirit and wisdom. He used to go to the Jewish synagogues in Jerusalem to spread the good news of the salvation of Jesus Christ. When the Jews saw him in the synagogue, they usually argued with him about his faith in Jesus Christ. Because Stephen was a person who was…
28 August 2024
Jesus is in the Roman governor's palace to be sentenced to death. Was Jesus Christ a criminal who should be sentenced to death? The Passover lamb at Passover! The fulfilment of the prophecy!
Peter’s denial Peter’s denial and his inner defeat! Jesus’ prophecy about Peter comes true. The smell of wood fire that brought back memories of Peter’s past. Peter’s Regret!
25 minutes
There was peace in the garden. But with the arrival of an armed group, its peace was disturbed. They had come to arrest someone who was unarmed. But when that person introduced himself to them, they were terrified of him falling to the ground. Who was that gunman who was afraid of the weapon in his…
Prayer for those through messages and testimonies of the disciples believe in Jesus. Emphasis on being all of them one. Participate in the glory of Jesus Christ and are with Him. What does it mean for God to be just? Jesus Christ be in them.
27 minutes
Glorify the Father by the Son and Glorify the Son by the Father. What is eternal life? What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ? When you pray to God silently, who knows what you are praying. What a privilege it is to be part of the relationship between Jesus Christ and the heavenly Fathe…
My glory is revealed by them. They stay in this world. Save them, O heavenly Father! They must be one the same as we are one. They do not belong to this world as I do not belong to this world. I send them to the world, and your word live in them. Who are they?
It is very difficult to submit an application or petition to a minister or other senior official in our country. How much effort and how much patients need to wait for that. Is this the same in the heavenly kingdom? Can we, as nationals of the heavenly kingdom, come directly to the presence of the …
Poetry, hymns, songs and music reveal our inner secrets. Hear the Nai tell you a story. Tells you the story of unfading joy. What is this unfading joy that Jesus Christ gives us the good news?
24 minutes
When there is oppression and the police, the prosecutor and the judge are not fair what to do? The followers of Jesus Christ have a strong lawsuit defending their claims against the world. The world is all forces that they are play in the hand of darkness forces and work against Jesus Christ and hi…
28 minutes
Problems are facing the followers of Jesus Christ in the world. Are the problems real or is it just an illusion? Are Afghan believers have problems in the world? Do we have always to live in the fear? How does the Holy Spirit help believers in times of trouble? Which people in the world hates Jesus…
How much does God love us? Let us also obey Jesus Christ in love. Loving one another is not voluntary but it is command. We are not God’s slaves but friends of God. So who is slave and who is friend. We have direct access to the Almighty God through prayer. Do we give everything we ask God for? …
The true vine, the gardeners, the branches, the branches, and the fruits are symbols that Jesus Christ used to reach his destination. The branch that did not work does not hurt. The branch can grow by being attached to the vine. The disciples and Jesus Christ are like vine and branches together. Bu…
How can the Spirit instruct the believers in Jesus Christ? Jesus gives his followers peace that the world cannot give them. What does Jesus Christ mean by peace and what is the world? This spirit is still working among believers in Jesus Christ.
Who is the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of truth? Does the “Spirit of Truth” mean the prophecy about the coming of a person who would come years after Him? Jesus says, “The world cannot see him.” The “true spirit” has no body and is not human, so what is it?
Are there many ways to reach God? Is every religion a way to God? But Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." So there is only one way to God. Isn't this claim of Jesus Christ very arrogant and narrow-minded?
New judgement, prophecy, denial of Peter, Judas, glory, rooster crowing, rich theology, superficiality, superficial love, Christian life, like the son of man, the son of man, Daniel, power and glory.
32 minutes
Surrender, loved, disciple, God, a piece of bread, Judas, in charge of the bag of money, was the night, secret plan, close disciple, betrayal of disciple, betrayal, eleven disciples, light in our homeland, shine.
Dasterkhwan, slave, master, messenger, chosen, sender, spirit, church elder, humility, pride, washing feet, being a leader, unpleasant deeds, purification.
Festival of Passover, his time, dinner, the belongings, Judas Iscariot, the dinner table, the washing of the feet, the ghusl, the good shepherd, execute him, crucify him, the king of the Jews, the painting, the painting.
Judgement, the Hereafter, rebuke, the film, the story, the hero, the villain, Pilate, the palace, Jesus Christ, God the Father, the morsel, the table, the last time, the darkness, to Jesus Christ.
22 minutes
Miracles, Healing, Jesus' Glory, Jewish Elders, dinner, Party, Thanksgiving, Cross, Result, The Greatest Pharaoh, New Salvation, New Age, Desert, New Exodus.
My soul is anxious. I have glorified it. Judge the world! I draw all human beings to me. Short time light is with you. Be the children of light.
The Greeks wanted to see Jesus. Jesus said it was time for the Son of Man to be glorified. Wheat grains do not exceed one grain until they die. Someone wants to serve me must follow me.
The decision to kill Eliezer after his resurrection! Welcome Jesus with palm branches. Happy King of Israel! Jesus Christ Riding on the Donkey. The Pharisees said, "The whole world is following him."
Bethany the place Lazarus was there! Anointed Jesus with a measure of precious perfume! The house was full of perfume. Why was that perfume not sold? The poor will always be among you, but I will not always be with you.
21 August 2024
This man is performing a lot of sign what to do with him? It is necessary to die one person for the sake of the people so that our nation will not be destroyed. From that day on, they plotted to kill him. Let everyone know where Jesus is so that they can arrest him.
"Take away the stone," Jesus said. If you have faith, you will see the glory of God. O Lazarus, come out. Lazarus came out. The Jews believed in him.
Mary went to see Jesus and fell at his feet. If you were here, my brother would not die. Jesus was affected. Where did you put him? Jesus wept. Some said that he, who had healed blind eyes, could not do anything about Lazarus and prevent his death.
It was four days after Lazarus 'burial Jesus arrive Bethany. Jesus said to Martha, "Your brother will be resurrected." "I am the resurrection and the life," Jesus said. Whoever believes in me, if he dies, he will live again.
Lazarus, Mary's brother, who had a perfume on Jesus' feet, was sick. They sent a message to Jesus that Lazarus was ill. Jesus said, "He will not die because of this disease." Jesus decided to go to Judea.
Judeans pick up stones to stone him for blasphemy. As a human being, why do you claim to be a god? Jesus answered, "Doesn't the law say that you are gods? Believe in my deeds so that you may know that the Father is in me and I am in him.
I am a good shepherd who sacrifices himself for the sheep. But the tenant doesn't care about the sheep. I have other sheep that ! have to bring. This is the command I received from my Father.
Judeans divided in tow group about Jesus. If he is crazy, how can he open a blind man eyes? If you are Christ, say so openly. I told you but you don't believe it. My father and I are one.
Sheep know their shepherd's voice. The shepherd walks in front of the sheep and the sheep follow him. Sheep do not follow strangers. I am the door for the sheep.
34 minutes
Blind man who was healed was expelled from the synagogue. Jesus found him and he worship Jesus. Jesus said, "I have come to judge this world, so that those who can't see would see, and so that those who can see would become blind. The Pharisees took this statement and said, "Are we blind?"
I know one thing I was blind, and now I can see. Why do you ask again, do you want to be his disciples? God does not hear the prayers of sinners. It is never, ever been heard of before that someone should open the eyes of a person born blind. If this man was not from God, he could not do anything.
Do you testify that your son was born blind? We know he is our son and he was born blind. Ask my adult son how he is seeing. They were afraid of the Jews, and they answer like this.
A man he was been blind from birth Jesus open his eyes. His neighbours wondered if he was really the blind man he saw now. The blind man answered: The man whose name is Jesus made my eyes to see.
If anyone obeys my teachings, he will never die. My father has made me great and glorious. You have never known someone you know as your God. Know for sure that I was before Abraham.
I'm talking about what I saw in my father's presence, you're talking about what you learned from your father. If you were Abraham's children, you would have done his deeds. You are the children of your devil's father.
If you follow my teachings, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. They told him: We never been anyone slave! How you can say that "You will become free". He replied, "Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin."
You belong to this lower world; I came from the upper world. When you lift the son of man from the earth, you know that I am he. My sender is with me.
Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." They protested, saying that it was not valid for him to testify for himself. Jesus replied, "I have two witnesses to my testimony, and that is sufficient in terms of the law." One I and the other is the father who sent me.
Hypocritical religious leaders use a woman to trap Jesus Christ. But they got caught in the trap they set. Living according to the grace we received Does forgiving sins mean considering it less important or considering it important?
19 August 2024
Ananias did not have to pay Peter. He did not have to sell his land in the first place. So why did Hananiah lie about the money he kept for himself? Because he wanted to show Peter and others that he was more generous and selfless than he really was. He wanted to appear a very good Christian who is…
1 August 2024
We Christians believe that God heals today as in the past, because the word of God says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. When Jesus Christ lived among us humans, he constantly healed the sick. After he was taken up, his apostles were doing it by the power of God's Spirit.…
17 July 2024
Others saw that Jesus did not travel with the disciples on the ark, and they were amazed when they found him on the other side of the sea.
16 July 2024
Jesus said, "If anyone is thirsty, come to me and drink." "The streams of living water will flow from the one who believes in me." What was his destination from the streams of living water?
Didn't Moses give you the law? Why don't you do it? You circumcise your sons on the Sabbath, why are you angry with me for giving a man health on the Sabbath? They wanted to arrest him, but no one reached out to him.
Considerable dispute among the crowds! Some said Jesus is a good man; others said he is misleading people. On festival, Jesus taught the people in the temple, and the people were amazed at his teaching.
People said he is the Messiah. But did others say that Christ would appear from Galilee? The guards, who had gone to capture Jesus, returned empty-handed. They said no one had spoken like this man.
Because Jesus' brothers did not believe in him, they told him to go to Judea and do his work in front of the people to become famous. Jesus said, "My time has not yet come, but it is always right for you, and stay in Galilee."
Jesus knew the unbelievers from the beginning. "Unless heavenly Father gives grace to him, he will not come to me," he said. After that, many followers returned from him. But one of the apostles said to Jesus Christ, "Lord, where are we going? The words of eternal life are with you."
Eating and Drinking the Son of Man I am the bread of life. This bread is my body that I give for the life of the world. Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood will have eternal life. My body is real food and my blood is real drink.
The father's wish is that everyone who sees the Son believes in him. The Jews complained, saying, "We know Jesus, who is the son of Joseph, so how can he say that he came down from heaven?"
Jesus said, "Do not strive for mortal food, but for food that will last forever." I am the bread of life. "Whoever comes to me will never be hungry or thirsty."
A strong wind blew and the sea became stormy. They saw Jesus walking toward ark on the surface of the water. "Don't be afraid," he said.
33 minutes
Many went after Jesus. They numbered about 5,000 men, and two hundred silver coins were not enough to buy bread. Jesus fed them all with five loaves of barley bread and two fish.
The writings testify to me. I know you do not love God from your heart. I will not rebuke you in the presence of the Father; the same Moses will rebuke you. If you believed in Moses, you would believe in me.
I do not need human witness. I have a bigger witness than John the Baptist. The deeds that my father entrusted to me testify to the fact that my father sent me. Father himself testified on me.
The father has left all the judgement to the son. Just as the father is the source of life; the son has been given the power to be the source of life. There will come a time when the righteous will rise up for life, and the wicked will rise up for questioning.
Jesus healed the Cripple man on sabbath day. The Jews tormented him. Jesus answered them, "My father is still working. I am also working." The Jews decided to kill him.
Waiting several years near a pool for healing! Eventually the healer came and healed him with just one command. Playing football on the tennis court! We need to learn tennis to play tennis in tennis court.
Jesus went to Cana in Galilee. A government official's request for the healing of his son, who was in Copernicus! Jesus rules the distance. Believing before performing a miracle! Healing the son of a government official!
Worker and reaper! Who was the sower and who is the reaper? The joy of Jesus Christ from reaching the fruits! Exit the message of salvation from the accepted borders of Israel. Even the message of salvation reaches our country, Afghanistan.
When Jesus saw the woman, he read the story of her past life. Is this mountain sacred or that mountain? The church is not God. Instead God worshipping places and buildings is adultery. Jesus was the person who was to come.
A Samaritan woman came to the well, and Jesus Christ asked her for water. Jews hate the Samaritans. The living water that Jesus Christ gave! Water that quenches thirst by drinking once and for all!
Jesus and John the Baptist baptised people. Jealousy of John's disciples to Jesus' progress! The bride belongs to the groom, not to the groom's friends. John the Baptist introduced himself as the groom's friend. Comparison of the person who came from above with the person who is earthly and thinks …
12 July 2024
Jewish scholar Nicodemus came to Jesus to find answer for his questions. A new birth of water and soul and seeing the kingdom of God! Baptism of water and soul! The place of Son of Man is in heaven.
Jesus entered the temple and drove the shopkeepers out of the temple. Jesus called the place of worship my father's house. Where is the real temple? Jesus as a real temple in the new age!
3 July 2024
The book of Acts is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke. The most important purpose of the book of Acts is to show what Jesus Christ realised about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The disciples were empowered to spread the good news to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the e…
Great miracle done! Jesus' mother Mary says do whatever Jesus said. Turn water into wine! Jesus Christ saved the bridegroom from being ashamed. Jesus Christ has the same power today.
Philip found Nathanael and told him about finding the person the prophets were talking about. Finally, after hearing Jesus' words, he called him the Son of God. Seeing the open sky and the angels coming and going on the Son of Man.
2 July 2024
Is disciples in search of Jesus or Jesus in search of disciples? Andreas and that other person! Andreas was the brother of Simon, whose name Jesus gave to Peter. Convert a name or give it a new identity ? Jesus gives us a new identity?
The lamb of God he is the one who takes away the world’s sin. I saw that the Spirit of God was upon him. His baptism is with the Holy Spirit. I testify that he is the Son of God. Who is it that John the Baptist testifies about him in this way?
24 June 2024
The testimony of John the Baptist is a model Testimony. Did John the Baptist preach himself or someone else? John the Baptist did not accept any position other than calling and preparing the way for the coming of Christ.
The eternity of the word, being with God and being God Himself! The incarnation of the Word and His incarnation among us! Unfortunately, the world and even its owners do not know him. But he is as glorious and glorious as the only begotten Son of the Father.
21 March 2023
Nowruz is a cultural and historical festival of the new Persian year in Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan and some other countries. Nowruz means New Day. Nowruz is celebrated on March 21, the first day of spring. There are a lot of traditional customs for the Nowruz celebration. People of Afghanistan a…
1 hour
14 February 2023
We need to have faith to forgive. Without having faith in Jesus, we cannot forgive others. When we have faith in Jesus, he changes our hearts so that we will be able to forgive others. God wants to change our hearts and forgive us before we can forgive others.
24 May 2022
15 April 2022
What Is Fasting in Christianity, and How Does It Work? In this program, we will look at the Christian perspective on fasting and examine God's will
43 seconds
5 April 2022
In Luke 5:27-39, we read that the Pharisees complained against Jesus and his disciples, saying, “Why do You eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous…
15 March 2022
When we look at the bible and the truth that he has revealed to the whole world through Jesus Christ. We see that God had a great and good plan to save us, Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for our sins so that we could be saved and find eternal life through him.
52 seconds
8 March 2022
We read in Luke 4:14-30 that Jesus begins his public ministry by announcing the release of the captives and the oppressed. He declares that today the prophecy of Isaiah in connection with the coming of Christ is fulfilled. This sermon drew the people to conflict. People are amazed at his kind words…
1 February 2022
In Philippians 2:1-18, we read about the importance of humility in Christianity. In this chapter, Paul explains what mature Christians do and how they should behave. He told the believers to imitate Jesus as much as they could . Then he said that Jesus was God in the flesh, but he did not use it to…
21 January 2022
In this episode, brother Arash talks about the bitter experience of losing their daughter and teaches us how we and all those who have lost a loved one can overcome difficult situations like them with faith in God and the grace and blessings of Jesus Christ. And once again bring joy to our heart
37 seconds
16 September 2021
We can enjoy other people when we learn to interact with them properly. We read in the Bible that it says: “Therefore, whatever you want people to do for you, do the same for them....” So we have to do our best to avoid expectations. Accept others as they are. Listen to them actively and try to u…
15 June 2021
Prejudice leads to discrimination. Discrimination also deprives us of the knowledge of ethnic groups, and we hate them without knowing the nation or people.