
  30 minutes

  16 February 2012

Rahab was a non-Jewish woman and also prostitute who lived in the fortified city of Jericho. When two Israelite men came to the city to spy out the area, she realized that they their God was the true and living God who was all-powerful. She feared the God of Israel. That’s why she helped these two Israelite spies and hid them in her house so that they would not be captured.
This story teaches us that God can choose and use anyone, even a sinful person, to fulfill his plans. It doesn’t matter what kind of background we have - good or bad. God always looks at our heart and our heart’s intentions. This story also teaches us that we should not judge others based on their background, their race or their نposition in society. God’s mercy is for everyone. He can restore someone’s lost honor and reputation.
