False Teachers

  27 minutes

  20 August 2024

False prophets, false teachers and hypocrites play a significant role in spreading hypocrisy, sedition and deception of people and society. This type of people speak and act according to the day and time conditions.
False prophets, false teachers and hypocrites play a significant role in spreading dissension, rebellion and deception in society. People like this speak and act in politically correct ways.
Do we have such false teachers and hypocrites today? Unfortunately, we do. They exist in every era. How can we recognise them? Jesus Christ taught us how to recognise false prophets, false teachers and hypocrites. He said, "You will know them by their fruit" (Matthew 7:15-16). We must check the "fruit" of their words. Will these words lead people to a life of greater commitment and holiness, or will they spread discord throughout the world? We may not be able to recognise false prophets from their words, but we will be able to identify them by their fruit.
