Football World Cup 2022

  28 minutes

  25 November 2022

The 2022 football World Cup was held in Qatar. All teams came to this competition to win the gold cup. Just as an athlete spends all his energy and concentration in training and preparing himself for the day of the competition, in the same way, we believers should also do our utmost in order to reach the likeness of Jesus Christ. We will need to give up some of the pleasures and comforts of this life. Some tough training will be necessary—just like an athlete who strives to gain the first prize spends many hours working out and doing exhausting exercises. We believers should also prepare ourselves for spiritual competition by bringing our bodies and desires under the control of the Holy Spirit through spiritual exercises (reading the Word of God, gathering with other believers, praying, avoiding sin, etc.). Let us remember that the prize of our spiritual competition is not just temporal, but in the end, God will grant us an immortal crown.
