God, You Will Not Despise the Brokenhearted and Humble

  29 minutes

  19 August 2024

David was really upset that he had committed adultery with Bathsheba, and to cover up his sin, he killed her husband as well. When he realises that he has sinned against God through the prophet Nathan, he confesses and repents. God forgave him out of His mercy. So no sin is too big to be forgiven! When we do not cover our sin and repent and repent, God's healing flows in our heart and body. Today, if you feel guilty and think that maybe God will not forgive me, know for sure that He is a loving and forgiving God and He will forgive you. Jesus Christ came to earth two thousand years ago to save us from sin and eternal destruction, to give eternal life to all people. Just believe in him and renew your close relationship with Jesus.
