Latest: 26 August 2019
Songs of Invitation
26 August 2019
Oh friends, come, Jesus is calling you He has opened his embrace with love and peace for you
5 minutes 33 seconds
Standing at the door of your heart and waiting is Our messiah, our messiah, our messiah For your salvation with much sorrow He came to this world Our messiah, our messiah, our messiah
4 minutes 34 seconds
The Lord Jesus is our life The Lord Jesus is our salvatoin
3 minutes 30 seconds
Come friend, let's no longer be enemies Let's not be friends with the devil The wine of life is sweet If we are not lovers of death
5 minutes 4 seconds
Jesus said if anyone comes after me I will hold his hand and will be his Saviour
4 minutes 1 second
Jesus said to be kind to each other And have eternal life
3 minutes 10 seconds
God, You are a glorious God You are a holy God, immortal Jesus, you are the light of the World You are full of beauty
5 minutes 1 second
Everything in this world is in the hands of God The light that enlightens the world is the light of Christ
3 minutes 23 seconds