The one common story of many Afghans is hoping and dreaming for a better life elsewhere. What does a better life mean? What happens when those hopes and dreams come true? Or do they ever come true? Watch Destiny to find out more.
Short Segments
1 May 2020
We should enjoy our time together and not get angry at wife, daughter, sister or mother. Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
1 minute 9 seconds
With You
27 July 2018
29 minutes
26 August 2019
30 minutes
11 May 2012
Reflections on Life 2
5 October 2020
Have you ever wondered, "why should I be a parent?". A lot of people might say it is a stupid question. Most people never take this question seriously, but there is a deeper meaning behind our marriages
28 minutes
3 August 2018